

Q-signals are a system of radio shorthand as old as wireless and developed from even older telegraphy codes. Q-signals are a set of abbreviations for common information that save time and allow communication between operators who don’t speak a common language. Modern ham radio uses them extensively. The table below lists the most common Q-signals used by hams. While Q-signals were developed for use by Morse operators, their use is common on phone, as well. You will often hear, “QRZed?” as someone asks “Who is calling me?” or “I’m getting a little QRM” from an operator receiving some interference or “Let’s QSY to 146.55” as two operators change from a repeater frequency to a nearby simplex communications frequency.

Abbr. Questions
QRG Your exact frequency (or that of ______) is _________kHz. Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of __________)?
QRL I am busy (or I am busy with _________). Are you busy? Usually used to see if a frequency is busy.
QRM Your transmission is being interfered with _________
(1. Nil; 2. Slightly; 3. Moderately; 4. Severely; 5. Extremely.) Is my transmission being interfered with?
QRN I am troubled by static _________. (1 to 5 as under QRM.) Are you troubled by static?
QRO Increase power. Shall I increase power?
QRP Decrease power. Shall I decrease power?
QRQ Send faster (_________wpm). Shall I send faster?
QRS Send more slowly (_________wpm). Shall I send more slowly?
QRT Stop sending. Shall I stop sending?
QRU I have nothing for you. Have you anything for me?
QRV I am ready. Are you ready?
QRX I will call you again at ______hours (on ______kHz).
When will you call me again? Minutes are usually implied rather than hours.
QRZ You are being called by _________ (on ______kHz). Who is calling me?
QSB Your signals are fading. Are my signals fading?
QSK I can hear you between signals; break in on my transmission.
Can you hear me between your signals and if so can I break in on your transmission?
QSL I am acknowledging receipt.
Can you acknowledge receipt (of a message or transmission)?
QSO I can communicate with _________ direct (or relay through ______). Can you communicate with ______ direct or by relay?
QSP I will relay to ______. Will you relay to ______?
QST General call preceding a message addressed to all amateurs and ARRL members. This is in effect “CQ ARRL.”
QSX I am listening to ______ on ______kHz. Will you listen to ______on ______kHz?
QSY Change to transmission on another frequency (or on ______kHz).
Shall I change to transmission on another frequency (or on ______kHz)?
QTC I have ______messages for you (or for ______).
These QHsoigwnmalasnayremtehsesoanges uhsaevde myooustoosftendo?n the air. (Q abbreviations take the form of
questions only when they are sent followed by a question mark.) QTH My location is _________. What is your location?
QTRThe time is _________. What is the correct time?
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